I would encourage you to be more open minded about books. Of course, gobs of people have made great changes in their lives from just reading a well written book. You as the facilitator are facilitating their growth through the organization of your material within the book or series of books. A good book does not spew EMF or need a battery recharge and can be more affordable for many people who can't hire a coach. But it can also be set up to lead new readers straight to your website and coaching services. The book can be a lead magnet to show people they are being helped by you and they would like more help.
Books are nice because the info is in one spot and you don't have to scroll a mile to find stuff. A Table of Contents and page number has value over a lengthy list of links to browse and forget which you read already.
You make several good points Jennifer. I do like the idea of putting out a book but I also know myself and need someone to entice me to do it with accountability. Plus, a publisher with in house editors would make this happen over the costs of DIY everything.
You’re so sweet Casey! Thank you so much for my bday wishes. It makes my heart sing to know that our chats and writing has positively impacted you. Thank you for sharing this with me! Sending love to you from India!
I would encourage you to be more open minded about books. Of course, gobs of people have made great changes in their lives from just reading a well written book. You as the facilitator are facilitating their growth through the organization of your material within the book or series of books. A good book does not spew EMF or need a battery recharge and can be more affordable for many people who can't hire a coach. But it can also be set up to lead new readers straight to your website and coaching services. The book can be a lead magnet to show people they are being helped by you and they would like more help.
Books are nice because the info is in one spot and you don't have to scroll a mile to find stuff. A Table of Contents and page number has value over a lengthy list of links to browse and forget which you read already.
Stepping off soapbox, namaste, I love books.
You make several good points Jennifer. I do like the idea of putting out a book but I also know myself and need someone to entice me to do it with accountability. Plus, a publisher with in house editors would make this happen over the costs of DIY everything.
Yes, work is involved. I have several unfinished drafts. Yes, a ghost writer would be nice. 🤓
Bay Area of CA is loaded with these types.
Since you called us “humans” and not “readers” I’m subscribing to your Stack.
Thank you Carlos!
Happy belated birthday, Dr. Nathalie! 🎉 Thank you for the work that you do. You’ve impacted lives, especially mine. 🩵
You’re so sweet Casey! Thank you so much for my bday wishes. It makes my heart sing to know that our chats and writing has positively impacted you. Thank you for sharing this with me! Sending love to you from India!
I loved if someof your readers checked my post dealing with Narcissism rhetoric: