Hacking Narcissism
Hacking Narcissism
Woman on woman bullying in the workplace

Woman on woman bullying in the workplace

Six Hats Podcast with Dr. Shami Barathan

I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Shami Barathan on her women wellbeing focused podcast about woman on woman bullying in the workplace. We covered a lot of territory in 30 minutes! This episode is also relevant to men to become aware of how they might be unknowing enablers, masterminds and secondary victims of the aggression.

I’ve written at length on the topic and it was great to have the opportunity to have a focused conversation about the causes, contributing factors, impacts and prevention of woman on woman aggression in the workplace.

One of the fears that prevents women from acknowledging this problem is the fear that admitting we have a problem will undermine existing efforts and progress to uplift women. Dr. Shami Barathan, an Integrative General Practitioner (Medical Doctor) based in Melbourne, Australia, is a strong example of a woman who uses her position in society to care for women’s health and to raise awareness of the multiple environmental, societal and systemic factors that contribute to suffering and how to remedy it.

She showcases women who offer wisdom and practical tips on topics such as parenting, physical and mental health, relationships, effective communication and workplace wellbeing on her Six Hats Podcast.

When more women choose to uplift and support other women to examine their actions, hack their narcissistic traits and resist allowing unresolved wounds to infect their relationships, we will no longer have these conversations.

I hope you enjoyed this conversation. Comment below with your questions about anything we discussed.

Thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, subscribing and supporting my work,

Nathalie Martinek, PhD

The Narcissism Hacker

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I believe that a common threat to our individual and collective thriving is an addiction to power and control. This addiction fuels and is fuelled by greed - the desire to accumulate and control resources in social, information (and attention), economic, ecological, geographical and political systems.

While activists focus on fighting macro issues, I believe that activism also needs to focus on the micro issues - the narcissistic traits that pollute relationships between you and I, and between each other, without contributing to existing injustice. It’s not as exciting as fighting the Big Baddies yet hacking, resisting and overriding our tendencies to control others that also manifest as our macro issues is my full-time job.

I’m dedicated to helping people understand all the ways narcissistic traits infiltrate and taint our interpersonal, professional, organisational and political relationships, and provide strategies for narcissism hackers to fight back and find peace.

Here’s how you can help.

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Hacking Narcissism
Hacking Narcissism
Everything you want to know about power, control and the invisible forces that drive & disrupt narcissistic behaviour in human relationships.